Tryout dates for the 2025/2026 travel season have been set, and registration is open! Grades are base on your child’s grade for the 2025/2026 school year, NOT their current grade! Please be sure to attend the correct tryout date for your child’s grade to ensure proper evaluation and placement. Dates: Grades 6 thru 8 –…
Read MoreWe are happy to announce that we have once again partnered with the Strongsville Dick’s Sporting Goods for a sale event. This 20% off sale will take place from Friday, August 16th thru Sunday, August 18th. For more information and a link to the coupon, please click “Read More”
Read MoreFor more information regarding our Fall 2024 season, please see our information sheet by clicking on the Info menu!
Read MoreWhat to Expect
Both our travel and recreational programs are comprised of a fall and spring seasons.
Recreational teams typically play most of their games on Saturday mornings, whereas most travel games are on Sunday.
In our recreational program, new teams are selected each fall that will remain together in the following spring.
In our travel program, most players remain with the same team as they age, with the exception of skill balancing which takes place once a year.
Our recreational teams will play all of their games at Foltz Soccer Complex and Prandi Park.
Our travel teams typically only play half of their games at Foltz Soccer Complex and Prandi Park, and travel to nearby cities to play the other half of their games.
Schedules for both programs typically begin and end around the same time. However, travel teams may have periodic cups or local tournaments, or even winter sessions, that some teams may compete in outside of those schedules.